These days we hear about all sorts of problems that exist in the national economy and most of us feel these strains in our lives every day, every week, every month, with every paycheck and every bill–despite the illusions of recovery. “Before it’s made our money has all been spent” and while the Wall Street salaries and bonuses and corporate profits continually increase, the people in middle and lower America continue to suffer financially (often as a direct but certainly indirect result) of the manipulation of the “too big to fail” and “too big to jail”.
One very simple response to this mess and injustice by the individual and family is to re-educate ourselves about the value of the law that truly helps us and then act on it.
At once we have been indoctrinated to think we have an unending responsibility to pay back every single cent of “debt” that is associated with our name yet also, contrary to this mythical responsibility created mostly by conditions out of our hands, there is a fine body of law to create a new beginning, a fresh start, an opportunity to be treated, as consumers, as we treat our businesses to operate–for profit only. Legally, corporations exist for profit. It is the modus operandi and raison d’être of the corporate entity. It has a legal responsibility to make money. In fact, not striving to do so is a violation of the law.
Now, besides the fact that the people of this country through our government has bailed out the bigger corporations to the tune of tens of trillions of dollars in real money impact, many corporation not making enough money use bankruptcy either to restructure or go out of business. Not really seen as a bad thing by most of us. Actually we have been trained to accept this fact. (Note by comparison the bail outs are in the category of social welfare–which for the individual is too often greatly ridiculed or frowned upon).
Besides this all being up-side-down in principle and effect–being the land of the people, by the people and for the people–the important lesson is that we, as breathing, soulful human beings who exist for more than only profit, are also entitled to use the law provided us to cope with our financial problems. And we should do so without recrimination or stress, guilt or embarrassment because it is our right and if we have other’s dependent upon us, sometimes our duty to use bankruptcy law to allow our creative opportunities to flow again. Think of yourselves as a business, like the corporations, which under the necessary circumstances apply the law to re-boot the system. There is nothing wrong with this thinking and it should be seriously considered when you are trapped by your financial difficulties. It can be not only healing on the financial level but in all areas of ones personal and social lives. Learn the facts…